Year: 2016

highway at night

Sleep deprivation can be deadly on Texas roads: especially when a semi-truck is involved. Sleep deprivation can be deadly on Texas roads: especially when a semi-truck is involved. Whether it involves an interstate truck traveling from state to state, or an intrastate truck traveling in-state, drivers who get less than…

workplace injury construction worker

In 2016, 102 workers in Texas have died in workplace accidents and workplace related accidents. This is too many unnecessary workplace deaths. The construction boom continues in the state of Texas. According to Dodge Data & Analytics reported by Forbes, Houston and Dallas are some of the busiest construction areas…

brain injury

There are more people living with brain injuries in Texas and around the nation than you may think. If you are caring for a loved one that has suffered a brain injury, you may think that you are alone in your struggle. However, there are actually millions of people around…