Category: Car Accident

who is at fault in a self driving car accident

The emergence of self-driving vehicles introduces a unique blend of traditional negligence principles and cutting-edge technology. However, as self-driving technology advances, the landscape of car accidents has begun to evolve as well, presenting new challenges in determining fault. Unlike conventional accidents, where human error typically dictates fault, self-driving car accidents…

who is at fault in a left turn accident

At the Callahan Law Firm, we understand the confusion and distress that can follow a left-turn accident in Texas. Not only can it be a traumatic experience, but determining who is at fault can be a complex and daunting task. Understanding who is at fault in such collisions is crucial…

who is at fault in a merging accident

Navigating the on-ramp on a highway as you accelerate to merge with high-speed oncoming traffic can be rather daunting. If a collision occurs due to improper merging, determining fault is essential to figure out your next steps. There are many factors to consider, including traffic conditions, signage, and the actions…

who is at fault in a sideswipe accident

Sideswipe accidents, although sometimes perceived as less severe than head-on or T-bone collisions, can still result in substantial vehicle damage and serious personal injuries. These types of accidents occur when the sides of two parallel vehicles touch and scrape against each other, often because one or both drivers move out…

who is at fault in a t bone accident

T-bone accidents are among the most dangerous types of crashes on Texas roads. When a fast-moving vehicle hits the vulnerable side of another car, the force of impact is extreme. Occupants can suffer crushing injuries, internal organ damage, spinal cord trauma, traumatic brain injuries, and more. Many T-bone crashes result…

who can sue for wrongful death in texas

In Texas, wrongful death claims represent a significant area of civil law addressing the consequences of a person’s death caused by another’s negligence or misconduct. These legal actions enable the surviving family members or beneficiaries to seek justice and financial compensation for their loss. Understanding who is eligible to file…

who is at fault in parking lot accident backing up

Understanding the rules regarding parking lot accidents is crucial for resolving insurance claims and legal disputes. In most jurisdictions, a crash that occurs on private property is not governed by traffic laws and regulations. Instead, fault is usually determined based on traditional “rules of the road” and the principles of…

who is at fault in a multiple rear end collision

In the chaos of a multi-car accident, determining who is at fault in a multiple rear-end collision in Texas becomes a complex task that requires thorough investigation and an understanding of Texas car accident laws. If you find yourself overwhelmed by the legal challenges following such an incident, consider reaching…