Year: 2016

ikea houston

Research and inspect IKEA products for potential hazards before making a purchase at a Houston IKEA. IKEA can be a fun place to shop. They do have some handy products that make life easier. But, they also seem to have more than their share of recalled products. For example, in…

podcast mic

Michael Callahan speaks about a challenging truck accident case with California attorney Scott Glovsky. It’s the story of a seemingly impossible case that was won through hard work, caring about the client, and trusting the jury. Never think your Texas liability case is impossible. Recently, I had the pleasure of…

car accident

There’s a reason it feels like there is a fatal car accident making the news in Texas every day. According to the Texas Department of Transportation, there was a fatality every single day on Texas roadways from November 7, 2000 through November 7, 2015. That’s, at least, one death every…

dirty drinking water

Drinking Water in Michigan Spur Questions about Texas Drinking Water Most people around the nation are now aware of the serious drinking water problem in Flint, Michigan, where the residents have been unknowingly ingesting high levels of lead through their drinking water. But, did you know we are also having…