Category: Personal Injury

timeline of a personal injury lawsuit in texas

Being injured in an accident can be a frightening and potentially life-altering experience. If you find yourself in such a situation, you likely have questions about the process of pursuing a legal claim for your injuries, and how long the process takes. This article will walk you through the standard…

10 reasons to hire a personal injury lawyer

If you are injured in any way and suspect another person or institution is at fault, you should not suffer in silence. Your best course of action is to hire a personal injury attorney. Though it is tempting to attempt to obtain justice on your own, the chances of reaching…

Pedestrian accident fatalities have risen sharply around the country, including in Houston and throughout Texas. Call for a free case evaluation. Not since the early 1990s has the nation seen so many pedestrians struck and killed by vehicles, and traffic safety experts are scrambling to determine why in order to…

The airline industry continues to bully passengers across the country. This could happen in Houston, and in Texas. The airline industry continues to bully passengers across the country. A southern California family was threatened with jail and having the children taken from the parents if they refused to give up…

twisted plane

Passenger rights have been trampled in the friendly skies. Now passengers and lawmakers are fighting back. Image courtesy of Bloomberg. When airlines treat customers badly, passenger rights get trampled in Houston, in Texas and throughout the United States. Now passengers and lawmakers are fighting back. The dragging of a bloodied,…

dangerous intersection

Many states hide engineering studies on dangerous roads and intersections. While the safety improvement of the roadways slows, people suffer more tragic accidents. Many states hide engineering studies on dangerous roads and intersections. While the safety improvement of the roadways slows, people suffer more tragic accidents – and it can…