Category: Insurance Claim Disputes
For many homeowners devastated with flooding in Houston, the other shoe will drop if they don’t have a specific flood insurance policy, because standard homeowners insurance doesn’t cover this kind of event. Those who have never read their standard homeowners policy may be in for the shock of their lives….

Texas Farm Bureau lobbied the Texas Department of Insurance to take away a customer’s right to sue their insurance company – they have since dropped their proposal. Insurance companies are in the business of collecting premiums and then paying claims only when they must. The less an insurance company pays…

Insurance is big business and a lot of tax revenue for Texas, but consumers should not take a backseat. The Texas Commissioner of Insurance is supposed to be a position that regulates the insurance industry and protects policyholders in the state. But, is that what really happens when insurance companies…

Billions in life insurance go unpaid to the rightful beneficiaries so profits can still be made. When you take out a life insurance policy on yourself you have the expectation that it will be paid out to the person you choose as your beneficiary to help ease their financial or…

Insurance coverage that is meant to protect employees injured on the job in Texas is only as good as the insurance company behind it. When you get hurt on the job in Texas and your employer has workers’ compensation insurance, there are certain actions you must take to make sure…
Never blindly sign anything related to your insurance claim without reading and understanding it. Having to file an insurance claim usually means that you are already in the midst of a stressful situation. Don’t make things worse by blindly signing documents. Signing any papers especially those related to an insurance…
Attorney General Greg Abbott has ordered insurance giant Travelers to stop airing a television commercial he feels is deceptive. The recent ad campaign, entitled “Driving Your House,” is similar to one used by fellow insurer Allstate in 2005 – that one was also removed after an order from Attorney General…
When policyholders buy homeowners and life insurance coverage, they agree to pay premiums on time in return for an agreement by the insurance company to promptly pay claims. People buy insurance to protect themselves from risk that could otherwise be financially devastating. But sometimes that insurance contract can seem like…

The frequency of theft incidents has become a growing concern in recent years, emphasizing the importance of being prepared with theft insurance coverage. According to recent statistics, break-ins and theft continue to pose a significant threat to individuals and their properties. A home is burglarized every 23 seconds in the…
Business interruption coverage is an important part of a business insurance policy. Business operations can be interrupted due to fires, flooding, natural disasters and a wide range of other reasons. Business owners rely upon this type of coverage to ensure the business can survive an unexpected obstacle. When insurance companies…